Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life is a whirlwind...

Wow, I just signed on and realized how long it has been since I have updated this thing! Pretty much, every day is the and work...nothing too new or exciting. Oh yeah, except I did turn twenty finally (like two monthes ago)! No more teen years! And I am looking forward to summer...but this rain will not leave us alone! Anyway, I will update this again soon when something exciting happens...for now I have to go do homework...I have a four page paper due in my Bible as literature class on Friday and I have not come close to starting yet!


Graydon L said...

I din't know you turned 20! Happy Birthday :-)

Carilyn said...

Hello! I have a blog on blogger now. :)


P.S. Your busking blog is still not showing the leave a comment box; you may want to ask Graydon about it and see if he knows how to fix it. Interesting first post, though, and great background! :)

Stephanie said...

Here is the link to my blog:

Hope you enjoy! Also, your busking blog won't allow me to post a comment. I like your background on it, though.

Happy 20th Birthday (even if it is VERY belated).
