Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Unleashing the un-techiness of Kendra

Ack, I can't figure out how to put anything on here! Facebook was not this hard....haha.
I can't figure out how to get a different background on here, I only got part of one, and I can't figure out how to get my music playlist on here! I suppose I shall figure it eventually.... :P


Sarah said...

Oh I would love to help! Let me know what I can do....

Melissa said...

Make sure your Blogger background is set to Minima and then it should work!

J-Man said...

I think you should start posting again.

Blue-eyed lass said...

Haha, ok I did that Melissa thanks! If I need more help I'll ask, thanks for the suggestions :) I will try to figure more out in the near future. Oh and J-Man, you should start poting again too :P